A lot of insurance companies will offer you cheap insurance policies. While it may be tempting to get a cheap policy for your vintage car, keep in mind that you have a special car with special needs. You need to look for an insurance company that caters to the needs of your car. There are a lot of vintage car insurance companies which offer fair policies for your vehicle at affordable rates.
You may think that regular car insurance and classic car insurance are the same but they're not. Here are some of the differences you should know about when looking for a policy for your car.
Type of Coverage – A good classic car insurance agency takes into consideration how their clients use their cars. As most car owners join exhibits or car shows, some of these insurance companies may even shoulder the expenses for damages your car may incur during a car show. A regular car insurance provider may not offer this kind of protection.
Asset Value – A regular car insurance company will appraise your car based on its actual cash value. An actual cash value decreases as your car gets older. This means, your car's value will depreciate annually. An antique collector car insurance company appraises your vehicle through an agreed value. In this type of arrangement, you and your insurance provider will discuss the value of your car until you've reached an amount that you and your provider are comfortable with. Unlike an actual cash value, agreed value doesn't depreciate through time.
Learn more about your insurance options. Classic Auto Insurance offers a fair policy for classic car owners like you. Get your free classic car insurance quote from us today.
About the Author
Drew Yagodnik is Vice President of Classic Automobile Insurance Agency, Inc. Classic Automobile Insurance Agency has been protecting collector, classic and exotics since 1992.