Collector and Classic Car Insurance for Less


Collector and Classic Car Insurance for Less

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How Classic Car Insurance Can Save You Money

Classic Auto Ins can save you live within your means for car insurance by advising on personal risk assessment. Save by staying at allowed mileage on cars.

How to Look For Car Club Membership

Classic Auto Ins can help you find a club so you can communicate with other car enthusiasts with shared interest in auto classics and antique care events.

Secure Your Collectible Cars with Agreed Value Car Insurance

You may find a big discrepancy between actual cash value vs replacement cost in standard insurance. Classic Auto Ins has agreed value with inflation guard.

Low Risk Drivers Equals Low Insurance Rates

What is a clean driving record and why is it important for insurance rates? Dangerous driving habits and accident records raise insurance costs.

Happy Father’s Day from Classic Auto!

Are you still searching for perfect gifts for Fathers Day? Why not give Dad a car club membership? He will get a discount on Classic Auto Insurance!

Collectible Car Insurance, the Best Coverage for Your Classic Car

Most collectible cars covered by standard auto insurance aren't properly covered. Classic collectors need  agreed value insurance from Classic Auto Ins.

Get the Best Roadside Assistance Program at No Additional Cost

Our included Roadside Assistance Program will get you back on the road with high tech automotive techs with special training in vintage vehicles.

Specialty Car Insurance for Your Classic Car

If hot rod restoration and muscle car restorations are part of your hobby, Classic Auto Ins keeps your rates low so you can spend more on your passion.

Specialty Car Insurance for Restored Vehicles

Even if you enjoy painting your own car, following car restoration steps and custom body work can be expensive. Insure your restored vintage car with us.
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