If you think insuring your vintage car is as simple as getting any type of insurance policy, think again. You have to consider several factors when looking for the right policy for your vehicle. Here are some tips you can follow to insure your vintage collector car.
Know the difference between a standard auto insurance policy and an American classic Insurance policy. Standard auto insurance will not provide you with full financial coverage simply because it has a different way of assessing the value of your vehicle. Get an insurance policy that will cover the modifications you did to your vehicle. It is also important to get an agreed value policy so you are assured that the value of your car will not depreciate and you will get full amount in case of total loss.
Understand Limitations and Requirements. Antique collector car insurance companies provide certain limitations and requirements you have to meet. Understand the type of driving allowed by your chosen insurance provider. Check if the miles given to you are enough and won't restrict you from using your vehicle when you want to. An insurance company may also ask that you store your vehicle in a secured garage. All these things may affect your choice of insurance company.
Classic Car Ins offers several plans you can choose from so you don't have to worry about exceeding the miles given to you. Get your free classic car insurance quote from us today.
About the Author
Drew Yagodnik is Vice President of Classic Automobile Insurance Agency, Inc. Classic Automobile Insurance Agency has been protecting collector, classic and exotics since 1992.