Finding the right insurance policy for your vintage vehicle shouldn't have to be a complicated task. In choosing a car insurance company, you have to make sure that the company understands the needs of your car so you can be given the right protection for your vehicle.
To get classic insurance, your car must be at least a decade to a couple of decades old. Although this depends from company to company, a car that is at least a couple of decades old can already be classified as a vintage vehicle. Other requirements you have to look into is the mileage requirement. Some vintage vehicle insurance companies have mileage and usage restrictions. A classic insurance agency may limit the mileage for your vehicle which may not allow you to use your car for everyday driving.
Another thing you have to look into is where you park your car. Your car must be properly secured in a parking garage where it will be safe from damages or theft. If you live in an apartment where there might not be guaranteed safe parking area for your vehicle, your insurance company may not pay for the damages your car may get while parked in this type of environment.
As long as you understand the restrictions and requirements for getting your car insured, you won't have a hard time finding the right street rod insurance for your vehicle. Contact Classic Car Ins today for information on our policies and requirements.
About the Author
Drew Yagodnik is Vice President of Classic Automobile Insurance Agency, Inc. Classic Automobile Insurance Agency has been protecting collector, classic and exotics since 1992.